Friday, June 24, 2005

I remember actually seing the show a few years back on TV5 here in ZH. It really blew me off. that guy is quite amazing.
glad to've found it again...and share.
are you an idiot?

(that's actually good'ol dubya here on the pic)
spooky somehow, don't you think? harsh words...!
tnx ziege
turd twister

for some of you this is old stuff, for some it's new.
I still had to post it, as it came up in a discussion yesterday evening.
Dudikoff: do ya believe it now?
Thursday, June 23, 2005
stooopid - rocketman

yup, it's hot. hotter than - we had this earlier, I know, but let me elaborate - the devils intestines. we have a fantastic 34°C in our offices right now, and work is just impossible - tell that to your boss - he/she will also be speaking of fire (but a different kind).
can't concentrate, can't do my work properly as I am sticking (literally) to my desk...and I am dreaming of water. pure, cold and wet water. actually, anything would do but sitting here and doing monkeys work...
ahhh...that would be nice right now.
how hot is it at your place? tell me...I am curious.
biggu dicku
waste some time

sorry guys, I am not as blogproductive as I would want.
it's hot.
it's even hotter than hot, and I am huched over my desk, punished to punch in numbers and signs that add up to nothing special.
so if you want to join me in a space cruisade and make some (virtual, sorry!) and start kickin'some ass, taipan.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
my island in ze sea... not as nice as the picture...but just as flashy, and an absolute "wanna have" for the summer.
btw. check out the other flashthings on the site...
waste some time

as batman begins is rolling up shortly, maybe you'll find some interest in this serious timewaster?