Friday, July 08, 2005
waste some time
where did it go....???
Thursday, July 07, 2005

my deepest thoughts to all the victims, their families and my friends.
I am really saddened by this tragic moment.
it is truly a sad day again...
all your bling are belong to me
waste some time
murderer - j. edward duncan III

I hate them gutless wankers taking on children for their sexual pleasures. if I ever come across on of them suckers, he is bound to meet his doom. I will go ballistic on'em.
there is nothing to justify their habit, urge, conduct - whatever they will throw at you in court.
but what really is bugging me, how come this s.o.b. has a blog on which he posts his devious problems and no one is acting on up...???
sad day for the community.
I'll have to agree on this entry.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
hit & run

as a women, I'd go freakin' Tekken on them MoFo's. seriously.
*triangle, square, down, down, right, circle* "doublefisteddragonslash"
stuff on my cat
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
a day out...
she did it.

I'd hoped for the mercy of common sense and that she wouldn't do it.
but no.
she did it for real.
at least we get to laugh at one more stupid individual in the world.
ah, and don't get me the b-shit with sending her son to some private shool. if she really wanted this, there are other ways to obtain sponsorships, without tatooing your forehead. ah, must marvel.
**update I** 08.07.05
here is the e-bay auction
and here is a small video of her getting inked.
she def. is a bright star on our starry skies.

being a blogger and part of the international community, I measure taking yourself not all to serious to be very important.
thus, born half swiss and half french, I have to laugh at monsieur jacques chirac. especially at this picture. the french are having a rough time with him, lately.
still, it could have been worse with jean-marie le pen at the wheel...
so, since I've seen this here and it made me laugh, I had to post it in a mild humoured attempt to gratify my nationalistic and patriotic, not really.
Monday, July 04, 2005
nike free

so I happen to work for the brand. shit happens....actually, fantastic shit is happening!
I will never-NEVEREVERAGAIN wear ANY other sneaker but this one.
it's the best, honestly...go try.
it's like walking on clouds without falling off - or walking barefoot, but without the "ouch" - or like training your feet walking but without the sweat; cutting it short -it's the purrfect shoe!
I'll post mine asap.