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Thursday, March 30, 2006


yet another: waste some time

71 days left until the worldcup. 71 days where you can practice your moves...njoy.

my score 3110



waste some time

game of the day! this really is alot of fun!




gatorade conspiracy

today I want to expose the conspiracy the people at Gatorade have been perpetrating on the sports drink drinking public for the past few decades. I first discovered their dastardly plot back in high school, but just like when you accidentally walked in on your grandparents having sex -- ugly, sweaty, disgusting sex -- I haven't had the courage to talk about it. Until now.

...luckily, we have ISOSTAR here...hehe.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


real life simpsons

to most of you, this will be familiar, to some it won't.

this is an interpretation of the simpsons intro, with real people.


(nur für dich caro!)

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