Tuesday, September 20, 2005
can you resist?
it's been a bit over 2 weeks since brunolito has passed away, the funerals were last friday. i had not looked forward to this moment, but as we all gathered and remembered, missing pieces of the puzzle came into sight. it made us understand his departure a bit better, allthough nothing we "see" will justify this decision. it was sunny and warm, the cemetary is just at the brink of a forest - he chose a nice spot to rest.
apart from mourning a friends death, life has caught up with me again. work is pilling up on me and not getting any smaller. no help is to be awaited, i'll have to work shifts. mktg. sucks. main motto in the field: never show feelings, you're a machine. you belong to whoever owns you. modern slavery.
somehow, as bruno was unemployed and struggling to find a new place to work, he mentioned his undeniable deep thoughts about starting to feel the pressure more than ever. i slowly start to understand. we are being put under pressure to deliver our shareholders visions and wallets. peoples working qualities are being stretched in order not to employ anyone more that will cost - will it really? - more?
human resources they call it - un_human resources is more likely what it is.
i guess we are machines, we just continue on, minding our business and life, not showing our affection enough, not telling the people we love how much we appreciate them. we go on. like machines.
sad in a way. protection in an other.
i have to work on this...i have to work on this...i have to work on this.
apart from mourning a friends death, life has caught up with me again. work is pilling up on me and not getting any smaller. no help is to be awaited, i'll have to work shifts. mktg. sucks. main motto in the field: never show feelings, you're a machine. you belong to whoever owns you. modern slavery.
somehow, as bruno was unemployed and struggling to find a new place to work, he mentioned his undeniable deep thoughts about starting to feel the pressure more than ever. i slowly start to understand. we are being put under pressure to deliver our shareholders visions and wallets. peoples working qualities are being stretched in order not to employ anyone more that will cost - will it really? - more?
human resources they call it - un_human resources is more likely what it is.
i guess we are machines, we just continue on, minding our business and life, not showing our affection enough, not telling the people we love how much we appreciate them. we go on. like machines.
sad in a way. protection in an other.
i have to work on this...i have to work on this...i have to work on this.
b.s. = bull shit or britney spears?

Britney has crappy new music
Three new studio tracks from the next Britney Spears album were leaked online yesterday, and - brace yourself - they're pretty much unlistenable. If people were sitting around the studio, slapping each other on the back and saying, "hey man, you're doing a really good job," I have to believe they were being sarcastic. I think the album is still unnamed and has no release date, but that's mostly based on optimism.
hear 1
hear 2
hear 3
i am deaf!
credit2 idontlikeyouinthatway.com
Monday, September 19, 2005
dialogues in adult movies

zis is only for ze german speakin'Herren arond'zis seite. sorry for ze inkonvenience.
Es gibt nichts über geistreiche und zusammenhängende Film-Dialoge. Auch beim
Erwachsenenfilm: klick bild.

to some of you this is no news at all. to me it is. as I was more or less absent last week of any internet activity and getting back on my feet, this just made my morning.
I have to admit one thing; I love George! don't you? I mean he is just so...dubya! just marvel at his politics and diplomacy, his iron fist and oh-so-fantastic-free-speeches, and now there is one more to smile about.
"I need a potty break, miss rice - may I go?" this is adorable!
I'll get me a sticker for my car: I love chimp - he just learned how to go to the loo"