Tuesday, August 23, 2005
it stopped!

finally some rest. after a 48 houre deluge this past weekend and a local 620cubicmeter/sec. of waterflow in the Reuss, armageddon had hit us again, after 6 years of rest. 4 people died in the meantime (luckily no more) and an estimated 4 Billion CHF in damage, this was by far the worst summerrain we had.
in portugal, woodland the size of the German Saarland has been devastaded by fire, because they lack in water. we've had more than our share lately. I wish, whoever is at the weather control could've balanced this a bit more.
i fear, the end is not yet to be seen, the Rhein will certainly overflow due to the heavy downpour in mountain-ridden Switzerland.
drastic pictures ahead (Lucerne). the north/south routes still not operational, which means traffic jams will be a daily routine until everything is back to normal...