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Tuesday, September 06, 2005



a week since katrina hit new orleans and the southern coastal states of the us. a week in which a natural catastrophy has terminated and ruined the lives of thousands and thousands of people, a week in which a president has been on vacation, rallying a party in san francisco with his political buddies and now is all of a sudden "filled with compassion" as he puts it, a week for a government to turn this sad event into a social crisis and possible political favour. bravo!

let's face it. dubya, you are the man. really. you make my brain tinggle, for sure. you are a superhero in terms of emergency management, a real son-of-a ****! I love you.
should've asked our gov. to send in some trained avalanche dogs with rum barrels and some electric heating appliances, you would've hit it off in the polls my man.

luvly. and even after in nov. 2004 a journalist revealed what would've happened if "ivan" had hit new orleans, no one manages to bring up a major working plan to handle a situation like this. but hell, dubyas gov. still thinks global warming is a homecoming party. let's not be all too harsh.
i guess this will be a sad lesson to learn, especially for the "second" class citizens which suffer the most. hopefully, future governments and emergency help centers, such as the "they doo ay heckofajob" FEMA, learn out of their mistakes.

(see what cnn is saying)

in the meantime, trucks, food, security, sanitary installations and relief is slowly coming in. a full week after katrina has hit. fan-fucking-tastic. 2 thumbs up!

my sorrow and support too everyone out in the chaos.


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